We've got some exciting news!

Bloom & Co. just opened a retail space inside The Vintage Rose Market, on the square in Fayetteville, Texas.



Why Fayetteville, a rural town of 250 people about 1 hour outside of Austin? 

This historical town, with fabulous architecture & arts culture, is a must see. It's where we have our 1895 Airbnb farmhouse, The Bloom Inn. And, most importantly,  Fayetteville is right in the middle of all the antique hunting action, being a short 8 minute drive to Warrenton, TX and 15 minutes to Round Top, TX, which draws thousands of people several times a year for antique markets.


Our space at The Vintage Rose Market will be stocked with all the things Bloom & Co., like our SheBloom home brand and other finds. You can expect to find our unique, made-in-CA designer pillows using rich textiles from around the world, such as South African mudcloth, vintage indigo, Hemp & European linen.

Vintage Rose address:  124 N Live Oak St, Fayetteville, TX 78940

We'll also have a great selectin of one-of-a-kind antiques we picked up hunting through old barns & architectural salvage sales.


We love mixing the old with the new.

This week, we dropped off a fabulous chippy mantel salvaged from a farmhouse in Arkansas. Mantels are great to prop on a wall to use as a focal point in any room, whether it's a real working fireplace or not.

Plus, you'll find some fabulous accessories, like sun-bleached teak bowls, that are easy to nestle into a spot in your kitchen, with some fruit.



So take a trip to the country and come visit us. You'll leave with you all kinds of inspo for your home. You can also follow along with our adventures on Instagram @shebloomshop.


To read more about our 1895 farmhouse rental, The Bloom Inn, which we remodeled two years ago, visit our Bloom Inn page, or www.thebloominn.com.

The Bloom Inn is a two-block walk up to the square, where you'll find shopping and restaurants.

Here's a cozy place to rock with tea at The Bloom Inn, which features Bloom & Co. furnishings.




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